Exciting News: New App Version for Beta Testers! 🚀【12/9/2023】

Dear Beta Testers,

We’re thrilled to inform you that our product’s app has received a significant update! This update includes numerous improvements and new features designed to enhance your user experience. Let’s explore the highlights of this update together:

Show device names on the Live page:
Now, you can directly see device names on the Live page, making it easier to identify your devices.

Quickly access solutions via “Help & Feedback” in emergencies:
In critical situations, you can now swiftly access solutions through the “Help & Feedback” feature, ensuring prompt support when needed.

Video playback dates marked in calendar search:
In the calendar search, video playback dates are now clearly marked, facilitating easy review of recordings.

Improved connection and crash issues:
We’ve optimized connection problems and addressed situations that could lead to crashes, ensuring a more stable and reliable user experience.

Fixed “bitstream” display position not centered:
The issue is resolved! The “bitstream” display position is now centered, providing a more seamless viewing experience.

iOS download link:https://testflight.apple.com/join/iNihUEbN
Android download link:https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.psyncup

We appreciate the ongoing support and valuable feedback from our Beta testers. This update is a sincere response to your feedback and a part of our continuous efforts to enhance the product. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions during usage, feel free to share them in the community; we’ll listen attentively and address them promptly.

Come and experience the exciting new features introduced in this update! We look forward to hearing your feedback.

Best wishes,

The Psync Labs Product Team

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